Fighting corruption is not easy and it needs real guts to fight a powerful corrupt government.
However, I wonder how many of us who support him and are fighting against a corrupt government, are actually honest ourselves.
If we fight a cause, we need to believe in it completely. How many of us have not broken a single traffic signal ever in our lives, how many have not given bribe to the traffic police? How many of us have not paid a peon extra to get our work done quickly in college? How many of us have not used influence/ contacts to get admission in college or a job?
How many of us completely deal in white when doing business and show our complete records honestly for income tax? How many of us silently add our own commission when doing a favour for a friend?
Well, what's done is done, but the way ahead looks more hopeful. For starters I admit that I have not been honest in my dealings and I vow to never do it again. The only way ahead is to be honest to yourself. So go ahead, first admit your own follies. Confess and redeem yourself. Then we will really be fighting a just cause.
Anna Hazare Zindabad!