Well, as I said in Myths about Yoga, if you do Yoga, it doesn't nessarily make you invincible.
The body is material after all and it can be prone to infections. As mine was...
A few weeks ago, I started getting a slight pain on my right hand side just below the ribs. I waited a few days thinking it was a muscle pull, but then when it refused to subside, I visited my doctor.
Doc is a strong follower of yoga so I didn't have to worry about getting a large unnecessary prescription.
But he found that the pain was actually in my liver.
Following some blood tests, it was proved that he was right.
Now the liver is a vital organ and although the infection was not a major one like Hepatitis or Jaundice, it was, nevertheless, important to tackle it fast and strongly.
So I was put on antibiotics that would make me nauseous and weak. That spelt total rest for 10 days.
Now I know some people who are strong believers in alternative medicine like accupressure and yoga. But they are avid readers of self-help books and that's where their knowledge of these therapies stems from.
When they found out about my predicament they emphatically advised me on the phone not to trust any doctor, to stop the medicines and rely on accupressure.
If I had listened to them I probably would have been in hospital today.
I urge everyone- please do not advise people against medicines with only half the information!
I completely trusted my doctor and he again turned out to be right when the infection disappeared totally on the 9th day.
Please remember:
1. Yoga can improve immunity, but sometimes you may catch infection. Be aware of your body and listen to the signs.
2. Yoga and other alternative therapies are all good and useful but they ARE NOT a replacement for medical treatment in emergencies or in sensitive cases. They can complement the medicine well.
So I urge you to please practice yoga yourself but not advise others unless you're a trainer yourself and have all the facts of the case.
Stay safe and stay well!