Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Joint Pain

In the monsoons, I find many people complaining about joint pain and body ache. As mentioned in my earlier blog on body ache, it is possible for one of the causes to be vitamin deficiency. However, this would be a long term pain, generally accompanied with spasms in muscles. Another reason could be cold and wet.


Sleeping in strong A/C can make the joints stiff and body cramped. Sleeping directly under the fan can be very harmful for the body. Both these factors can even create blockages in the sinuses.

In any case it is quite cold in the rainy season, so if you keep your windows open for ventilation, it should suffice when you sleep at night. But, if that's still not enough, you can switch on the A/C for a while, let the room cool and then switch it off before you sleep. Fan is a complete No No, especially when you are directly under it.

Also, avoid walking bare footed on cold marble. The cold will radiate through the feet to the body and cause the joints and muscles to pain.


No matter what the cause of joint pain, never leave them wet. Wet means cold and that will make the body cramp in an effort to keep you warm. Dry your feet, knees, hands etc if they get wet in the rain.

Even when sleeping, make sure that the joints are kept nice and warm. Applying a bit of Vicks on the soles of the feet can be helpful, but avoid being dependent on it.

Avoid getting into a swimming pool or bath tub when already wet. Especially before entering a swimming pool, we take a shower. By all means do not miss this shower as it ensures hygiene, but dry yourself first and then enter the swimming pool. This will prevent knee problems. (This I was told by a successful Homeopathic doctor).

So these are a few tips for Joint Pain...hope they are useful.

Let me know if there is any particular topic you'd like info on. (Write in the comments box)

Stay Well !

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